Most people wonder why I choose to be bald instead of wearing wigs, hats ect. Now, I do on occasion working in air conditoning can get a bit chilly! So, I do have wonderful hats that my nurse's have gave me. The wigs on the other hand are ( for me uncomfortable) they cause headaches, itchy, and feel so heavy especially here in Florida!
My insurance did pay for one wig so I did get one fitted and read the paperwork on it, here is the advice for a sweaty scalp "Place a pantyliner inside the wig to help absorb moisture" OHHHH can I wear the one with wings please, so if my wig falls off I will wish to God for the ablity to fly away!!
No thanks, plus if you read my 101 fun things to do when your bald, the wig can be fun, life is more interesting being yourself and different then what most people expect. My goal is to let other women with breast cancer to be who they choose to be, we did not choose breast cancer, we can choose how we look. If wearing a wig is a must for you DO IT!!
I spent years hiding behind my hair, never in a million years would I have thought I would be walking around bald at 38 years old ( and not getting paid to do it) I had long, thick, full hair that everyone loved..Including me!
I embrace the therapy that is saving my life, it is not the cancer making us bald it is the treatment that we should be so thankful for!!
I am not out to impress the world, cause most of the things I see do not impress me..I lost my hair and found myself.
Just allow yourself the time to heal and accept that you are just "Under construction" right now, it is not forever, at first it is hard walking by a mirror, or getting up those first few mornings forgetting your bald, seeing your reflection and going OMG that is so not ME!! Yes it IS YOU, and you are going to be fine without your hair!! Now, I have forgotten what it is like to have hair, I do love taking showers though, no clogged drains, no dry scalp (a lil olive oil takes care of that). Do what makes you feel the best at this time, this is what works for me. If you choose to be bald here is some tips I have learned:
1.If you have long hair, cut it short (very) before treatment starts, lot easier to deal with when it does start falling out. I loved my short do, and will stick to that when I am done with treatment. I have a pic on my blog.
2. When it does start to fall out (this really is the hardest part well for me anyway) feel your emotions, get mad, cry ect..then take control and get it shaved (there are alot of great places that do this for chemotherapy patients) I had them shave a mowhawk before they shaved it completely took a picture, cried and just could not believe that was ME!!
3. Your scalp may be sore, as you will still have some hair on your head unless you have someone shave it clean, not just buzz it off, I chose to shave my head with a safety razor myself ( did a YouTube search on how to do this) I did it with very hot water, olive oil and a few razors. No, I did not cut myself :) I did put antibiotic ointment on my head just to be safe. My scalp felt better with no hair, and I have a nice shaped head :)
4.Watch G.I Jane..the movie empowers you that we are more then our hair, we are a solider in this war against breast cancer, and will win..This is a sign of killing the cancer :)
5.Realize everyone is bald under their hair..
6. Have fun wig shopping try a different color, style, ect..
7. The crazy questions you will get being bald is too funny, love it when strangers tell me I am beautiful and remind them of Demi Moore (Gee that is tough to take) now to find an Ashton Kutcher look alike..:)))
8. Gives you a reason to get up and put make-up on everyday, I feel my most beautiful and powerful with a nice perfume, great make-up and rockin music on the way to work.
9. I have the best family, friends and job who loves me the way I am and tells me I am beautiful everyday, and I really feel it for the first time in my life..
10. Know that you cannot please everyone, if they don't like they don't have to look :)
Be Bold, Bald, Beautiful and not afraid to Barrett :)
Yes, it started with a lil lump a lil bump in one of my lady humps (I think she means boobs in the song. :)The thing I worried about the least is something I HAVE TO FACE EVERYDAY! It can and is being done,with alot of laughter, fun and love along the way! I did not choose this, I can choose how I deal with it. There is power where there is hope!
A whole new ME!!

You can make it through..Me after the RIDE!! Life through new eyes and it is MAGICAL!!
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Bonding with my girl's

I am still mom! WE are all bald under our hair, let's make it colorful not fearful!!
Climbing the mountain 10/17/10

Winning the war against breast cancer, enjoying the freedoms to be me! Loved the fact the flag was behind me and I did not even know it. Thanks to all those that defend our freedom!
About Me

- neversettle71
- I am a easy going person who loves God and the life he has given to me, so I am trying to live my BEST life, and have alot of laughs and fun along the way!!
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