If you take the word CANCER and break it up (that is what we want to do right? Kill the BEAST break it up to a word that no longer resembles a link to a killer..
Break up the word for today (I) CAN CERtainly..CHOOSE to be HAPPY, to not let cancer be the focus of my day (just for this moment), to cry or get mad if I want too. Just remember you CAN CERtainly choose how you LIVE each day! WE CAN CERtainly kill this invader..
I CAN CERtainly choose to be a bitch, moody, pissy, hate cancer because life is not always "hunky dory" some days I do not want to be positive, or happy..and I am not gonna fake it for anyone, just as I won't put on a damn wig or hat if I don't want too..Just because I have boobs does not mean I have to have long hair (as I do have hair, what else would be growing out of my head?? I am not a damn Chi Pet, it's not grass)..nor does it mean I have to take anyone's sh** about it either..
Or people's stupid ass comments on how "Wonderful it is I am here,(while patting me on the shoulder) "well your still here with us" (At a breast cancer fundraiser mind you) Yea, cannot believe my dumbass is "Still here" talking to YOU! Take that rum and coke pour it on your head and grow some friggen brains..You ignorant idiot! My fav is at the bank showing my ID and getting asked "Why would you shave off that beautiful hair?" Just so people like you can ask stupid F**ing questions like that..REALLY?? This is better then Jay Leno asking people who is president on the street corners and they don't know..Ignorance is blissful to those who behold it, it is so damn annoying to everyone else!!!!
And on the rollecoaster I ride..for today is on the dark, bitchy, I don't wanna or care side..And it feels GREAT!!!!!!!
Yes, it started with a lil lump a lil bump in one of my lady humps (I think she means boobs in the song. :)The thing I worried about the least is something I HAVE TO FACE EVERYDAY! It can and is being done,with alot of laughter, fun and love along the way! I did not choose this, I can choose how I deal with it. There is power where there is hope!
A whole new ME!!

You can make it through..Me after the RIDE!! Life through new eyes and it is MAGICAL!!
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Bonding with my girl's

I am still mom! WE are all bald under our hair, let's make it colorful not fearful!!
Climbing the mountain 10/17/10

Winning the war against breast cancer, enjoying the freedoms to be me! Loved the fact the flag was behind me and I did not even know it. Thanks to all those that defend our freedom!
About Me

- neversettle71
- I am a easy going person who loves God and the life he has given to me, so I am trying to live my BEST life, and have alot of laughs and fun along the way!!
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