September 3rd,2010 my amazing daughter's 15th B-day and my last day of Cytoxan, Doxrubicin and Fluorouracil (chemo drugs) that is not including 2 anti-nausa meds, and the steriod. Which was supposed to last until the end of November, finished early as the tumor responded (shrunk down this the only time I can think of "shrinkage" to be a great thing) I was doing this every 3 weeks. So, I can get through both my daughter's bday's my baby she turned 11. All the more reason to celebrate their birthday's this year were more emotional for me then ever, just as my next B-day will be for me as well.
I am so glad this part finished before my 39th B-day in November :)
However, being HER2+ the fun for me is not over, I started the 24th of September a new cocktail of Herceptin and Taxol every week for the next year (after another Mammo, ECHO, surgeon and oncologist visit) (maybe not the Taxol the whole time, only time will tell on this) it is a lovely lil mix I get every Friday afternoon the Herceptin stops the cancer from making copies, the Taxol prevents it from making a new home in another place in my body. Which it won't I REFUSE, we are mind's not our bodies my boob is sick not me, I am not my breast..I am Heather!! Bottoms UP!
(Note to my cancer your an invader an intruder that is NOT WELCOME, just as a killer would come into my home to hurt me and my family I am KILLING you just the same with each treatment!!!! I can feel you suffer!!!!! Feel the WRATH cancer and get the F*** out of my life!!) There I feel better :)
I have done 3 treatments of this and I feel great, a lil tired and sleep during treatment as they have to give me Benadryl through the port because the Taxol can cause a allergic reaction so this just prevents it, so I take a nice little nap, spend time with the wonderful onco nurses and my research team who are the best of the best!! I still get my steriod which is great for those late night cleaning urges at 3am after taking 10mgs of Ambien at 9:00pm.My house has never looked better :)
I go every Sat. morning to get my Neupogen shot which helps my white blood cells to stay at normal levels even though the Taxol is from a plant it still can take your counts down, the Neupogen is so much better then the Neulasta lot less bone pain as it is not as potent, but works well!
So, I am very lucky to be able to work this whole time, have I felt great everyday, NO. Who does??
So, the next step is 12 weeks of this then surgery which will put me around Dec 10th or so..Great news is that on my last mammogram the cancer in the lymph node (auxillary; arm pit) could not be found!! I still feel a lump in my breast (very small now).I am excited and of course nervous but ready for the surgery to be over, I meet with my surgeon again the 28th of
October to discuss what we are gonna do. Can you SAY DOUBLE MASECTOMY BOYS AND GIRLS!? I can and will not settle for less..:)
?The tennis match starts again..while on the roller coaster..Droppin' the tennis rackets and hanging on with both hands as we go up! At least this time, I am not afraid to keep my eyes open as we go around the next turn, at least I don't have hair to get stuck in my lipstick, nothing like getting off the roller coaster with lipstick smears on your face..TACKY LOL..Just my dark fuzz starting to grow back in. So, enjoy your Friday afternoon cocktails, as I am enjoying mine killing the hell out of cancer!!
Yes, it started with a lil lump a lil bump in one of my lady humps (I think she means boobs in the song. :)The thing I worried about the least is something I HAVE TO FACE EVERYDAY! It can and is being done,with alot of laughter, fun and love along the way! I did not choose this, I can choose how I deal with it. There is power where there is hope!
A whole new ME!!

You can make it through..Me after the RIDE!! Life through new eyes and it is MAGICAL!!
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Bonding with my girl's

I am still mom! WE are all bald under our hair, let's make it colorful not fearful!!
Climbing the mountain 10/17/10

Winning the war against breast cancer, enjoying the freedoms to be me! Loved the fact the flag was behind me and I did not even know it. Thanks to all those that defend our freedom!
About Me

- neversettle71
- I am a easy going person who loves God and the life he has given to me, so I am trying to live my BEST life, and have alot of laughs and fun along the way!!
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